Mina Nazari: The Role of Artificial Intelligence

"The role of artificial intelligence of modern communication technologies in the development of blind media literacy" - research conducted by Dr. Mina Nazari, WCFA Executive Board Member, PR & Communication researcher and winner of IPRA GWA in 2017.
The rapid growth of technology and social media has made significant changes in the communication and development of human knowledge. The development and availability of smartphones (new mobiles) has transformed communication skills, knowledge and understanding of individuals. In decades ago, the blind and those who were in trouble with the outside world, with help of artificial intelligence derived from these smartphones and technologies, have somehow been able to upgrade their knowledge.
The present research studies the role of artificial intelligence apps and social networks and other mass media in the media literacy of the blind. You can read the whole research paper here.
In the past decade, artificial intelligence technology has been expanding, and only in few years ago, there has been a lot of improvement in training machine. Among the designers and investors involved in researching artificial intelligence using this technology are social networks. Since artificial intelligence is a multidimensional discipline, it requires more collaboration to create a theoretical and moral framework in order to be a useful force for society. Because digitization is the integral part of our culture, which makes a lot of changes in human conditions, the introduction of the intelligent machine into our lives, as an active member of the community, is a sign for end of the course.
In examining the results of our research, the blind usage of the specific information media in the provision their information needs were a priority. The results of this study coincided with the findings of Bruce et al. (Bruce et al, 1991). Blind people rely to radios and illustrative books and newspapers (recorded on cassette), and braille books. He believes that one of the things that attracts a lot of blind people is listening to TV and radio because people with visual impairment clearly need a powerful tool to empower themselves in order to communicate with events. Comparison the blind usage components of specific information media is to provide their information needs and it showed a significant difference. The results of this study coincide with the results of Ahmed et al. (2001), which showed that half of people with visual impairments preferred audio materials to other information formats. Similarly, the results of the study were consistent with the findings of the study of Atyabi (Atyabi, 1999), which states that most of the blind listen to the radio. However, in the research of NoshineFard and Razavi, auditable and the braille sources were the most used sources of blind. In reviewing the contribution of each information sources used by the blind, the "radio and television" category has the highest and the "rational" category has the least choice among them. More than half of the blind were using the information technology (electronic resources and the Internet) less than average. The results of this study were not consistent with the results of NushinFard and Razavi's research, which showed that very few users use electronic resources (Nooshinfard&Razavi, 2011). Among the available tools and technologies, Smartphones were the first priority and the Scanner was the last priority. There was a significant difference between the used tools and technologies by the blind. This finding is consistent with Steinrich's research findings, which showed that the Internet is the first source used by the blind.
Finally, there was a significant difference by comparing results that obtained by responses of blind people who use modern communication technologies and those that did not use. Those who used modern information technology and equipment had high media literacy and better quality of life. The impact of artificial intelligence on social networks used by blind people in personal life was more than the imagination of the researcher, but on the other hand, software and gadgets are still not available to the blind, and the most up-to-date means is smartphone that savings time and cost for blind users . According to the results of the research, it is necessary to provide special software for all blind people at affordable and free prices, and for their optimal use, the blind or his family was taught to use the above software. Obviously, by teaching the above skills to the blind with the help of modern information and communication technologies, can have aware citizens in order to play a more constructive, more dynamic, and more complete role. Considering the information needs of the blind, it can help in selecting the subject, preparing and producing programs, organizing and disseminating them based on the priorities of the media.
In an information society, everyone needs a wide range of information so that they can effectively use it. Lack of access to the information set is a disadvantage for the community. The importance of information as a means to combat social deprivation is clear and to a large extent should be investigated how information is transmitted effectively.
The research proposals are:
- Providing Ravi and Braille content
- Assigning Specific Computer for the Blind in the Public Center with Software Features of the Blind
- Teaching smartphones application to the blind during side classes
- Creating the possibility to use daily technologies for the blind with the support of the blind community
- The information system of the country, welcoming this group of people in accessing information, provides information centers with advanced and up-to-date information technology for the blind and provides a ground for their life. In this regard, the use of technologies such as telecommunications with the specific capabilities of the blind is suggested.
- A guide is provided to the use modern technologies, which can often be used in writing form for ordinary people, and made available to the blind by information centers. Responsible Organizations for education will provide audio books for all levels of education, so that other learners can access the content in the desired format.
- Teaching information and communication technologies for blind users and blind families.