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AI Revolution in PR: A Keynote by Paul Holmes at the Davos Communications Summit 2024

AI Revolution in PR: A Keynote by Paul Holmes at the Davos Communications Summit 2024

The future of public relations is here, and it’s being shaped by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Paul Holmes, the esteemed Founder and Chair of PRovoke Media, will delve into this transformative topic in his keynote address at the Davos Communications Summit 2024. This global online event is set to take place on June 12, at 2 pm CET.

In his keynote, titled "AI and New Trends in Public Relations in 2024", Paul Holmes will share his visionary insights on how AI is revolutionizing the field of public relations, the latest advancements in AI-driven technology and how they are reshaping communication strategies and practices.

Why Attend?

Paul Holmes is renowned for his deep understanding of the PR landscape and his ability to forecast trends that shape the industry. His keynote will cover:

  • The integration of AI in PR campaign design and execution.
  • Emerging AI-driven platforms and their potential impact.
  • The benefits and challenges of AI in PR workflows.
  • Predictions for future trends in public relations driven by AI advancements.

This session is a must-attend for PR professionals looking to stay ahead of the curve. Whether you are a seasoned PR strategist or just starting in the field, Holmes' insights will provide valuable knowledge and practical takeaways to enhance your PR campaigns and strategies.

Paul Holmes, founder and chair of PRovoke Media, has been writing about public relations for 25+ years. In 1989, he launched his own company, initially publishing Inside PR, and later Reputation Management magazine, both focused on providing analysis of critical trends and issues in the public relations industry. He created the annual Public Relations Agency Report Card, which included profiles of the leading PR firms in the US, and the Creativity in Public Relations Awards, which grew to become the largest in North America.

Early in 2000, Holmes launched The Holmes Group, which provides knowledge and insight to public relations professionals across a variety of platforms, including a website, an e-newsletter, events, printed reports, research and consulting assignments, and the SABRE Awards competition. The group’s flagship title, PRovoke Media (p/k/a The Holmes Report), covers the public relations business in the Americas, EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) and the Asia-Pacific region. In 2011, Paul was inducted into the ICCO Hall of Fame.

Event Details

  • Date/Time: June 12, 2024, 2 pm CET
  • Location: Zoom
  • Fee: 45 EUR (non-members), 10 EUR (students), Free (WCFA members)

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain exclusive insights from one of the industry’s most respected figures. Join us at the Davos Communications Summit 2024 and be part of the AI revolution in public relations. Register now to secure your spot and ensure you’re at the forefront of PR innovation.

For more information and to register, visit the official event page here.

Stay informed, stay ahead, and see you at the summit!
