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WCFA Assembly 2017

WCFA Executive Board 2017 Elections at the WCFA's annual assembly on 13 March! For just two years of existence and development, the World Communication Forum Association (WCFA) has attracted and unites a global family of individual and corporat...

Global Touch - Country Branding 2016

WCFA Global Touch | Country Branding 4 events, Oct-Nov, 2016Locations: Russia, India, Turkey, Mexico First series of Global Touch local events, taking place in 2016, in 4 countries: Russia (Moscow), India (Mumbai), Turkey (Istanbul), and Mexico...

WCFA Assembly 2016

On 10 March, 2016, at the Davos Congress Centre, right after the 7th annual World Communication Forum, there was held the First Annual Assembly of the World Communication Forum Association, a young non-profit organization registered in 2014 in the ci...