
Tax Registration No.125819
Promenade 56 B, 7270 Davos Platz, Davos, Switzerland
Tel: +359 888 50 31 13


The World Communications Forum Association (WCFA) has announced that as a result of the Russian invasion of neighboring Ukraine, unfortunately, it will discontinue all business contacts with Russian organizations, as well as individuals associated wi...

WCFA Signs UNESCO Declaration on Responsible Communications

The World Communications Forum Association has signed the International Declaration of Communications Professionals and Researchers for a Healthier, Viable, Better World, urging its members worldwide to use their communication expertise in response t...

PRophet Joins WCFA as Corporate Member

The US-based PRophet joined the World Communications Forum Association as a Corporate Member to further develop the PR community and influence new digital and data-driven perspectives. PRophet is the industry’s first A.I.-driven DaaS platform built b...

WCFA Welcomes Six New Members

The World Communications Forum Association is welcoming six high-profile PR experts as new Individual Members, committed to bridging the communication gap between leaders, businesses, institutions, societies, and generations in the PR industry worldw...

Share Communications, Inc. Joins WCFA as Corporate Member

The Canadian PR company Share Communications, Inc. joined the World Communications Forum Association as a Corporate Member, with a mission to join forces with our great PR community of professionals to further develop the PR profession globally. Shar...

AtitudeCom Joins WCFA as Corporate Member

The Brazilian PR company AtitudeCom joined the World Communications Forum Association as a Corporate Member, with a mission to join forces with our great PR community of professionals to further develop the PR profession globally.AtitudeCom is a Digi...

WCFA Welcomes Four New Members

The World Communications Forum Association is welcoming four high-profile communications experts as new Individual Members, with a common mission to contribute actively to the development of the modern public communications worldwide.These four newco...

WCFA Announces Fee Reduction for Student Members

The World Communications Forum Association reduces its annual membership fee to 25 EUR for new and existing student members. It also launches free monthly webinars with world-renowned PR experts from January 2022.The Student Membership of WCFA is spe...